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Ohio Released Time Leaders Display Best Practices

At the 2017 “Find Your Timothy” Ohio Released Time Conference, each program was invited to showcase their program’s strengths by creating a display. The response was overwhelming! More than a dozen organizations from three states participated in this first-time undertaking.

Programs displayed newsletters, pictures, Bibles, inspirational books, curriculum, technology they’re using in the classroom, policies, and so much more. Many decorated with banners and shared God stories about the exciting things He is doing within and through Released Time programs throughout Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania!

In 1 Corinthians 12:27-28, Paul tells us that every Christian possesses a gift and is called to use it in service to build up the body of Christ, to strengthen the body and to carry out its purpose within the world. In our case, that purpose is to help Christians bring word of God’s love and love of God’s Word to public school students through Released Time.

Paul goes on to say that each member of the body of Christ is also called to serve through his or her natural gifts and abilities. Just like every member of the body has certain gifts and abilities, so does every program. The display tables provided an ideal environment for people to see what other programs are doing, to connect and build relationships with one another, to share ideas, strengths and expertise, and to reach out for help in areas where their program could improve. Folks involved with RTBE truly are a family. We’re there for one another. We help one another, encourage one another, support one another, and build one another up. Because that’s what family does.

Based on the attendees’ positive reactions and requests, School Ministries Ohio plans to bring back display tables for our next gathering in 2019!

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