Written by Carla R. Lendrum, Titan Christian Education, Wooster, Ohio
There is nothing more exciting than a state conference to rejuvenate one’s batteries and that is exactly what “Find Your Timothy” the 2017 Released Time Bible Education Conference was all about.
As a relatively new RTBE program volunteer, I was immediately excited by the wonderful ideas shared at the RTBE program displays. I found myself quickly connecting with folks who had “been there, done that”, who had answers to some of the current questions we have concerning our program. People were so eager to share and encourage and provided so much helpful information.
I was amazed at the expertise and professionalism of the speakers at the conference. Gary Frost, Prayer Facilitator for The Mission America Coalition encouraged us to be confident, committed, consecrated and concerned as we do God’s work. Finn Laursen, the Executive Director of Christian Educators Association International described the public schools as a mission field “ripe for harvest” just waiting for us. The knowledgeable legal experts, business experts and teachers who participated on the panel sessions had a wealth of information to share.
The workshops were appropriate for novices and seasoned RTBE vets alike and spanned topics such as how to start a Released Time program, Released Time curriculum development, being effective administrators, gaining community support and the power of prayer warriors. There was something for everyone. The exciting things happening at the state and national levels reinforced that we are not alone in our efforts to share Christ with children in the public schools, but have a great support system behind us.
As a member of the conference planning committee, I was amazed and humbled at how the Lord works as He opens doors for speakers, volunteers, supporters, song leaders and prayer warriors. I have never worked with a group as dedicated and passionate as the committee that I had the privilege to work with this past spring.
I don’t know about you, but I have returned home with lots of new ideas and am ready to start planning for the next school year. As Jenni Miller stressed, “Every one of us can serve better, more faithfully and with more excellence for having been part of this conference.” We are all so blessed to be part of the RTBE family. As this school year comes to a close, let’s all live in anticipation of what God has for each of us as we are blessed to share His love through RTBE!
Take advantage of the support system we have here in Ohio; call or email School Ministries Ohio or check www.schoolministriesohio.org next time you have a question. And if you are not a member of the national organization already, I encourage you to join School Ministries (www.schoolministries.org), which offers resources to help Released Time programs thrive and grow across America.
Looking forward to our 2019 RTBE Conference – His love and blessings to each of you!